Dekafire fireplaces and bio ethanol burners. High quality and handcrafted.

We made this web shop specially for our English speaking customers in Europe. Only in this webshop from Dekafire you can pay with € (euro’s). Would you like to buy a beautiful fireplace? We sell high quality fireplaces that we ship in almost all of Europe.

Our fireplaces burn bio ethanol. This means that bio ethanol is burned in the fire room of the fireplaces and this creates a nice flame. Bio ethanol (instead of wood) ensures that you do not need an extraction system and can place the burners and fireplaces in every room of your home or office. Also, afterwards you do not have a mess. Your burner is simply burnt clean.

Great for when you want a nice fire at a party or birthday and not want to have unnecessary mess in the room.

Bio-ethanol is the latest trend

Who uses Bio-ethanol in a gel fireplace, is absolutely in trend. The fireplace heated with bio-ethanol has many advantages over a conventional fireplace, which is fueled with wood. It avoids odors or fumes, and of course no sparks. And there arises with bio-ethanol in a Gel fireplace no ash or other dirt, you do not need to clean this fireplace as well. If you purchase such a fire with us, you have a real quality product from Dekafire.

We make all the fireplace’s ourselves in the Netherlands. They are not, imported goods.

By the way: A Bio-ethanol in a gel fueled fireplace has many other advantages. Find out in our online shop about our entire range of Dekafire products. You will find various high-quality fireplaces. On all items purchased from us you have an unlimited right of return from a month. You are welcome to contact us by telephone or by email.

Additional information from Dekafire

Do you wish more additional information for a gel fireplace with ethanol? Then take a look at our online shop that clearly lists all products. A fire place that you order through our shop will be delivered complete and can be run Bio-Ethanol. Of course, you can contact for further questions by phone or mail.

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